Swedish submarine incidents

The submarine hunts or submarine incidents were a series of several incidents involving foreign submarines that occurred in Swedish territorial waters during the Cold War, more specifically during the 1980s. In this time, there was intensive debate and speculation in Swedish media about the possibility of Soviet submarine infiltration of Swedish territorial waters.

While there had been earlier incidents involving foreign submarines (as seen below), the incidents normally referred to in this context are those that followed the sensational stranding of the Soviet submarine U 137 deep inside Swedish waters on October 27, 1981. The Swedish navy responded aggressively to these perceived threats, increasing patrols in Swedish waters, mining and electronically monitoring passages, and repeatedly chasing and attacking suspected submarines with depth charge bombs, but no hits or casualties were ever recorded.

Reports of new submarine sightings and television imagery of Swedish Navy helicopters firing depth charges into coastal waters against suspected intruders became commonplace in the mid-to-late 1980s. They remain, for many Swedes, one of the iconic images of the Cold War and of the Swedish relation to the Soviet Union—for some underlining what was considered a major threat to Swedish sovereignty, while for others illustrating the tense and, in the view of some, paranoid atmosphere of the time. However, the reports of these incidents are not uncontested, and an intensive debate emerged early on. This debate unfolded somewhat, but far from exclusively, along leftwing/rightwing lines, and became tied up with the larger issues of relations to Moscow and Swedish armed neutrality. The Soviet Union consistently denied that it was responsible for violating Swedish waters, and claimed that the U 137 had only crossed the border because of navigational faults. Russia today maintains this stand. While the submarine sightings subsided with the fall of the Soviet Union, the debate about these events has reemerged in the 1990s and 2000s (decade). They have been the subject of a number of government investigations in Sweden, and continue to attract media attention.


List of major reported incidents


As noted above, these events have been hotly disputed in Swedish media and by politicians and journalists active during the time. Although there were some clearly recognized cases of foreign military activity in Swedish waters (eg. band tracks on the sea floor, or most obviously the U 137), many of the supposed submarine incidents were based on intelligence reports, radar, underwater sensors, or witness statements, giving a less than full picture of the source of the disturbance.

As a result, there is no clear consensus on the extent of possible infiltration, or on whether trespassing submarines were necessarily of Soviet origin. Some suggest that NATO submarines may have been responsible for the most well-known incidents, which has led to a further line of debate, on whether such submarines were secretly allowed to exit Swedish waters unpursued—that would have been in contravention of the publicly declared Swedish neutrality. There is also a dispute concerning sound recordings purported to be of submarine engines, which some now allege stem from natural sounds, fish, mink, civilian vessels, etc.

The discussion also focuses on whether U 137 was sent to spy on Swedish defenses (supported by the large number of similar suspected espionage infiltrations, and by the depth to which it had penetrated), or, as its captain claimed, was lost because of a navigational error (supported by the fact that it ran aground). Furthermore, there is a debate on whether this vessel was armed with nuclear weapons. Swedish military teams are said to have registered high levels of radiation on geiger counters when examining the stranded submarine.

Twenty years after the events, they still generate controversy in modern-day Swedish politics, with prominent politicians and former military officials active on both sides of the dispute.

Ola Tunander attributes the majority of these incursions to be of NATO origin.[12][13]

Cultural influence

The incursions during 1982 and 1983 form a basis for the plot of The Troubled Man (Den orolige mannen), the final Kurt Wallander novel written by Swedish author Henning Mankell and published in 2009. Mankell considered the incursions to be one of the worst scandals in Swedish political history.[14] Mankell’s upcoming play Politik', set to debut at Stockholm City Theatre in autumn 2010, also deals with the submarine incidents of the 1980s.[15]


  1. ^ a b c Allerman, Christian (2007), Ubåtsincidenter och främmande undervattensverksamhet- en tillbakablick och ett försök till summering, Tidskrift i Sjöväsendet 1, 35-41, Karlskrona: Kungl. Örlogsmannasällskapet, ISSN 0040-6945 
  2. ^ Malmberg, Bertil (2007), Några minnesbilder från ubåtsincidenter. Tidskrift i Sjöväsendet 1, 47-48, Karlskrona: Kungl. Örlogsmannasällskapet, ISSN 0040-6945 
  3. ^ En sovjetisk ubåtskränkning i Danziger Gatt år 1976, Tidskrift i Sjöväsendet 1, 44-46, Karlskrona: Kungl. Örlogsmannasällskapet, 2007, ISSN 0040-6945 
  4. ^ personliga minnesbilder från ubåtsincidenter, Tidskrift i Sjöväsendet 1, 48-51, Karlskrona: Kungl. Örlogsmannasällskapet, 2007, ISSN 0040-6945 
  5. ^ http://www.dn.se/DNet/jsp/polopoly.jsp?d=147&a=771372
  6. ^ http://www.expressen.se/debatt/1.953772/de-doljer-sanningen-om-ubatsjakten
  7. ^ Svensson, Emil (2005), Under den fridfulla ytan, Karlskrona: Marinlitteraturföreningen, ISBN 91-85944-09-2 
  8. ^ Richard Aschberg, Mattias Carlsson (5 June 2011). "Är det en ubåt? (Is it a submarine?) (In Swedish)". Aftonbladet. http://www.aftonbladet.se/nyheter/article12985131.ab. 
  9. ^ Spetz, Lennart (26 May 2011). "Marinens rapport: "Ubåt" var en flotte" (in Swedish). NVP.se. http://www.nvp.se/Nacka/SaltsjobadenFisksatra/Marinen-Ubat-var-en-flotte/. Retrieved 5 July 2011. 
  10. ^ http://svt.se/2.34007/1.2534922/frammande_ubat_i_goteborgs_hamn
  11. ^ http://www.forsvarsmakten.se/sv/Aktuellt/centralanyheter/Marinen-undersoker-iakttagelser-i-Goteborgs-skargard/
  12. ^ Ola Tunander. "Some Remarks on the US/UK Submarine Deception In Swedish Waters in the 1980s" (PDF). International Peace Research Institute, Oslo. http://www.fredsakademiet.dk/library/tunander.pdf. Retrieved 2010-11-10. 
  13. ^ Ola Tunander (24 September 2004). The secret war against Sweden: US and British submarine deception in the 1980s. Psychology Press. ISBN 9780714653228. http://books.google.com/books?id=cN-ETroO0zEC&pg=PR13. Retrieved 2010-11-10. 
  14. ^ Staff (11 August 2009). "Mankell på väg att lämna deckarna". Ystads Allehanda (Skånemedia AB).
  15. ^ Staff Writer (17 August 2009). "Palmepjäs av Mankell i Stockholm" (in Swedish). Dagens Nyheter (Bonnier AB).

Further reading